How to Become a Pilot

September 6, 2016

Many of were aspiring to be pilots but didn’t end there due to financial constraints. But the process of becoming one is pretty straightforward.

The first step is to score at least C+ in KCSE and C+ in Physics and Mathematics. Then look for appropriate college to enroll for aviation classes. In Kenya, here are the best piloting schools and the fees structure you are expected to pay.

Kenya School of Aviation

Kenya School of Aviation is the best Aviation college in Kenya. To join the college, you need the following:

  • Must be 16 years and above.
  • KCSE C+ and C+ in Mathematics, English, Geography and any one science.
  • A medical fitness certificate from an accredited Aviation Medical examiner.
  • Copies of : Academic Papers, ID/Birth Certificate/Passport.
  • 6 passport size photos: Three Normal size and three 2cm x 2.5cm
  • Three internal written evaluation in Maths, English and Psychometric Testing.
  • Five lessons of flight assessment.